Rabbit Repellents

There are a number of Phoenix rabbit repellents both natural and commercial readily available. Their effectiveness is argued among gardeners, and trying each method is the best way to see what works for you. There are certain flowers and plants that rabbits naturally shy away from. Lavender, marigolds, and catnip are all offensive to rabbits. By planting these around your garden perimeter, you might just save your other plants. Objects that startle or frighten the rabbits like scarecrows, hanging aluminum pie pans, or commercial units that are electric powered will work to some extent. Mothballs scattered around your yard can deter Arizona rabbits from entering your property. Making a repellent spray from dish soap, water, and hot sauce is an inexpensive solution. You need to add repeat applications for a while to permanently dissuade them, but it is not harmful to your pets or plants.

Blood meal, bone meal, and predator urine are all available at most hardware or garden centers. Blood and bone meal add vitamins to you soil as well as offend Phoenix bunnies. Predator urine, like that from fox, coyote or a big cat scares the rabbit off. After you have successfully discourage rabbits from coming in your area, the best way to assure they don’t is to construct a sturdy fence around the plants and trees that you wish to protect. This fence should consist of 12’ to 2-foot-tall chicken wire or hardware cloth placed around your Arizona garden area. You can also choice just to encircle certain plants and support it with posts.

The chicken wire or hardware cloth should be buried 6 to 8 inches into the ground. This will prevent the Phoenix rabbits from burrowing underneath the fence. To protect delicate young plants and seedlings, you can place tubes, chicken wire, or hardware cloth around the plant. For delicate trees, encircle the base of the sapling with fence. You can also cover low to the ground limbs using cylinders made from wire or hardware-cloth. When you trim your lawn or garden or prune your trees, leave the twigs and droppings on the ground in an area available to Arizona rabbits. The rabbits will choose to eat what is easily accessible to them rather than your plants and the tree bark.

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